Over Christmas I did some organizing in my studio/workspace. I have tons of fabric, craft items, and books and I needed to get it all organized so that I could actually get some work done in there. I wanted to be frugal about it, so I bought all of my plastic storage at Target while everything was on sale over the holidays. I decided to go with clear boxes because it was important that I be able to see everything and know which box I need to grab for my various projects. I wish I had some 'before' shots to share, but I can't seem to find any, but trust me...it was bad.

My husband built this desk for me a few years ago, it definitely helps to keep me organized...
Lots of fabric & shipping supplies...

Misc. crafty goodness...

I decided to put this paper tablecloth (from Ikea) underneath the plexiglass top which adds a nice dose of pattern to the room...

I'm very happy with the end result, it's so much easier to find things now and the room is much more functional. Do you have any organizing projects going on right now?